[pmwiki-users] Nested Tables
The Editor
editor at fast.st
Sat Dec 23 20:16:30 CST 2006
I was reading up on the new nested divs markup, but it doesn't seem to
allow nested tables. Is that supported yet? If so what is the
syntax. Lots on nested divs, but not tables.
In particular I have fairly styled tables and need to put a pagelist
in a cell in another table. And need to use advanced tables for both
the inner and outer table... Can't seem to figure out a way to do it.
PS. Here's part of the markup. I tried it, but the pagelists don't
work with the simple tables markup. Needs the advanced...
(:table cellpadding=5px border-left:2px border-top:2px width=800px:)
(:cellnr bgcolor=#e4e4e4 colspan=2:)'''Add a Task'''
(:cellnr bgcolor=#f7f7f7:)
(:zapform name=tasks :)
||Project: (:pagelist group=Projects
name="-GroupHeader,-RecentChanges" fmt=#jumplist:) Assigned:
(:pagelist group=Profiles name="-GroupHeader,-RecentChanges"
fmt=#jumplist:) Priority: (:select Priority:)(:option value="1-Top":)
Top(:option value="2-Hi":) Hi(:option value="3-Med":) Med(:option
value="4-Lo":) Lo(:selectend:) Status: (:select Status:)(:option
"{$Status}":) {$Status} (:option value="Open":) Open (:option
value="In Progress":) In Progress (:option value="Pending":) Pending
(:option value="Hold":) Hold (:option value="Complete":) Complete
(:selectend:) ||
||Description: (:input text description "{$description}" size=70:)
(:input submit value="Submit":) ||
(:zap datapage="Tasks.#":)
(:zap savedata="Project,Owner,Priority,Status,Description":)
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