[pmwiki-users] ShowHide toggle (:pagelist:) based on page title

kirpi at kirpi.it kirpi at kirpi.it
Thu Aug 3 10:10:48 CDT 2006

> Might need to include a "list=all" parameter somewhere.

But, Patrick, then also "strange" pages get listed
(RecentChanges,...), and not only the clients list...
Am I wrong?

> > Could this be because of the caching of names in wiki.d/.pageindex?

> Doubtful -- there must be some other problem besides .pageindex .

[I do not understand what that "caching of names in wiki.d/.pageindex"
really means...]

If you also, Pm, are doubtful, then I feel lost...
Means that there is no solution?
Actually, this behaviour is quite annoying, in that the whole thing
become useless.


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