[pmwiki-users] Customizable Access-Keys
Nils Knappmeier
nk at knappi.org
Tue Mar 22 10:54:25 CST 2005
I had another idea the other day and I wanted to hear, what you think of
it. It's not such an easy thing...
On my homepage at http://www.knappi.org I have accesskeys defined to
perform certain actions such as
edit the page, edit the sidebar, edit the group header and footer, page
history etc. Now, I believe that nobody
else would like the way I chose the keys for the specific actions. e.g.
"Alt+w" for Edit. But I've gotten so used
to pressing these keys that I even do it when I try to edit a page on
pmwiki.org, so I thought about this.
How about a page or an action that allows you to define your own
personal access keys. These access keys work
on *every* PmWiki-Installation that has this feature activated (or
I had two solutions for this problem:
1) Store all the information in one (or multiple) cookie(s) that is
readable by every server on the internet.
2) Use the cookie to store the URL of a website, that contains the
With "information" I mean,
1) The access key
2) a String like "pagename?action=..." is used to create the URL of the
link that should be associated with the access key
pagename should be something like MyGroup.MyPage, but also possible
{$Group}.MyPage or {$Group}.{$Page}
If the current page is Main.HomePage on pmwiki.org, something like
":4:{$Group}.SideBar?action=edit" would translate into a link
<a href="http://www.pmwiki.org?n=Main.SideBar?action=edit"
accesskey="4"></a>, to allow editing the SideBar by pressing "Alt+4"
What I haven't found in the PmWiki Documentation, is where I'd have to
put the links so they appear in the site, no matter what skin is active.
I don't want to ask the question of how likely it would be for this to
go into the standard distribution, until I have something ready...
About privacy... maybe the user should be able to decide, whether the
cookie should be set "world-readable" or just "readable by the current site"
Any comments?
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