[pmwiki-users] code bug in pmwiki.php? (Was: Gemini skin - problem with two actions)

Radu radu at monicsoft.net
Thu Mar 17 02:43:59 CST 2005

As I mentioned before, in the distribution of beta26, the line is fine 
($i+$colspan<count($td)). $colspancount($td) is php syntax error; plus, it 
does not make sense in that context. Check scripts/version.php. What do you 

As for the line number, it's 786 (I was wrapping and so my editor reported 
790; maybe you're wrapping too)

At 03:11 AM 3/17/2005, Hans wrote:
>In function FormatTableRow($x) pmwiki.php line 803 it reads:
>     for ($colspan=1;$i+$colspancount($td);$colspan++)
>should this read:
>    for ($colspan=1;$i+$colspan<count($td);$colspan++)


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