[pmwiki-users] New skin: Pukka Float

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Wed Mar 16 10:49:28 CST 2005

On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 02:43:04AM -0500, Bronwyn Boltwood wrote:
> I've just posted a new skin called Pukka Float.  Details at
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/PukkaFloat.  
> [...]
> Pm, I have a couple requests for you: 
> 1.  Could you set up the demo?  Thanks in advance.

Done, but it doesn't seem to be working on pmwiki.org for some reason.
I've left it enabled, but probably don't have time to troubleshoot it at
the moment.

Also, it'd be nice if the zip file automatically unpacked into its own
subdirectory (e.g. pukkafloat/) instead of into the current directory.
This is how most of the other skin zip files appear to be set up.

> 2.  Is there anything that can be done about the $action selector
> needing to be in the .tmpl file to work?  

I'm not sure -- because this skin has so many .css files, I'm having
a bit of trouble knowing what ties to what.  (I confess I haven't
spent a whole lot of time looking yet.)  But it's pretty certain that
the $action selection has to be made from something running within
pmwiki.php (since that is what knows the action), and the template
is pretty much the piece that pmwiki.php works with.  You could 
potentially do some creative css imports in the .tmpl file, as in:

   @import '$SkinDirUrl/css/navigation-$action.css';

which would at least move the relevant rules into .css files and out of
the template.


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