[pmwiki-users] Re: documentation, meal deals, cuisine
rickla.rick at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 23:52:50 CST 2005
> My objection to "menu" was voiced last week, but I find the term "meal" to
> be equally indigestible.
Ho, ho.
> The types of information I was trying to get when I first came across
> PmWiki were:
> 1) Marketing - what major features does it have, what hardware/software do
> I need to run it, what is it particularly good at?
> 2) Getting started - what is the minimal amount I need to do to get it running?
> 3) Author reference - how do I get pages to look the way I want?
> 4) Admin reference - how do I keep authors from doing stupid things, how
> do I make their job easier?
> 5) Fancy stuff - what kind of plug in modules can I add?
As a new guy having problems setting things up, things that would
interest me include "Common Problems" or "Common Mistakes"; "Errors
and why they happen"; "Plain Vanilla Install Checklist"; "Premium
Madagascar Vanilla Install Checklist"; "Farm Install Checklist", etc.
(maybe not all of the above!).
Elaborating on Marketing above, my impression is that PmWiki is not
quite as forthright as others when telling people what it's capable
of. For example, everyone knows that WikkaWiki can handle drawings
well, that UniWakkaWiki can handle mathematical notation and BibTeX.
But I didn't actually realize that PmWiki could do these things until
I'd dug around a bit. And I'm still not sure whether the
WikiPresentations works in version 2.
Reagrding terminology, "cuisine" might be a good option? Each cuisine
could consist of a number of recipes, replicating the function of a
bundle, but could also be associated with a number of different
cookbooks in a probabilistic relationship that would necessitate
rewriting the core. Or on second thoughts, maybe not...
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