[pmwiki-users] Re: Perfection and Menus (WAS: on over-bundling) . . .
David Spitzley
dspitzle at wash.k12.mi.us
Wed Mar 9 18:29:19 CST 2005
Well, just in case PM is wavering on his decision to include GUIedit in
the core installation, I would argue that the GUIedit module is, if not
>needed<, then extremely useful for what has historically been the
primary feature of a Wiki: the enabling of non-techies to participate
in the creation of the wiki with a minimum of training. I think it is
entirely appropriate that it is disabled by default, but it seems to me
that the benefits of GUIedit are of use to a sufficiently large segment
of potential installations that having it in the core makes perfect
sense under PMPhilosophy.
>>> Radu <radu at monicsoft.net> 03/09/05 5:03 PM >>>
Not much. But the steps to take if you want to enable a gui bar are
different than for adding any other recipe. And anyway, if they're
disabled, why are they bundled in the first place? If your answer is
convenience', then why not bundle lota of other often used recipes - and
leave them disabled?
I guess it all comes back to the featuritis, PmPhilosophy point#3: if
not needed for the support of other features, don;t include it in the
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