[pmwiki-users] Re: FGS Beta Testing Installation
Knut Alboldt
pmwiki at alboldt.de
Wed Mar 2 15:35:34 CST 2005
John Feezell schrieb:
> Knut and Pm,
> FGSv2 is now stable enough for beta testing.
ok, here we go for the first test:
testing on local environment windows 2000 sp4, Apache 1.3.27, php 4.3.5
(if you need I'll send you the phpinfo() output)
installation test on isp's site will follow
Instuctions for the
> installation follow.
> 1. download "FGSv2-x-latest.txt" from <http://cbfa-cos.org/4others> and
> place it in the cookbook directory.
> 2. in the cookbook directory, rename "FGSv2-x-latest.txt" to
> "FGSv2-x-latest.php"
> 3. download the files "Forms.Design-SampleTestCSSForm" and
> "Forms.Design-Comments"
> from http://cbfa-cos.org/4other> and
> place them in the wiki.d directory
> (Right click on the name and "save link as"
> with wiki.d as the target.)
> 4. add the following line to your config.php file:
> include_once('cookbook/FGSv2-x-latest.php');
changed that to
cause I'm using a wikifarm and first the script wasn't found.
When I call Main.PmWiki I'll get:
Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument
passed by value; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the
declaration of [runtime function name](). If you would like to enable
call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference
to true in your INI file. However, future versions may not support this
any longer. in
on line 75
line 75 is: if ($action=='prepform' )
{$tracename=$pagename;$page=PrepForm(&$pagename);$action='form'; }
so I think the warning is suggesting not using
line 872: function PrepForm($pagename) {
but: function PrepForm(&$pagename) {
and removing the & in tha call ?
> 5. enter "Forms/Design-SampleTestCSSForm" as
> a PmWiki page name in your browser. This should
> bring up the form design page.
does it !
> 6. click on the "Prepform" link. This should create a directory
> named "formguides" and
> set permissions so that PmWiki can write to it and access it
> NOTE: this is one place where you may have trouble since
> FGS requires that the "formguides" directory have the
> same permissions as wiki.d. You may need to create
> this directory and set the permissions by hand.
works. fine ! it's even asking for my edit-password.
> 7. assuming that step 6 was completed correctly, you
> should be viewing your first form using FGS. This
> form is a "everything but the kitchen sink" form
oh, yes :-)
> that
> I use for testing FGS. It not beautiful but it does the
> job.
saving the page works
> 8. when FGS is installed and the permissions are correct on
> the formguides directory, let me know and I'll visit and
> make sure things are working correctly. I will also
> setup a comment page so that we can discuss the issues
> on your installation using your copy of FGS.
ok, here I've to do the second installation on the isp's site so you can
access it.
> If you have problems with the installation, please let me know.
Installation text was short and clear (and exact :-), installation was easy.
now as I understand the sample page text:
to design my own form I can copy that page to e.g. Forms.MyForm01 and
change that, finally attach this to MyGroup.Pagewithform so every edit
call of MyGroup.Pagewithform will enable the form-entry instead of
pmwiki-text-entry ?
Can I attach this form to a whole group or even better to a certain
pagename-matchpattern (without using the action=edit?form=... call) ?
I'll play around a bit trying to create some own forms and then install
it on the isp's site.
> Thanks for being willing to help with the beta.
> Please email me or post here any problems and successes.
> /JF
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