[pmwiki-users] pmwiki-2.1.beta14 released, improved RSS and Atom feeds
pmwiki at solidgone.com
Sun Dec 11 11:10:29 CST 2005
Interesting to hear that they are very different. I didn't get that from
the RssFeedDisplay which has
>> add the line include_once("$FarmD/local/rssdisplay.php");
>> or include_once("local/magpie/rss_fetch.inc"); to your local/config.php
I was actually looking to cache the RSS feed generated by pmWiki, and
thought Magpie was the answer. Reading your comments, and thinking about
it a little more, I see that caching the AllRecentChanges is pretty
meaningless -- it's a pretty low hit already, so caching won't make much
I'll add some text to the RssFeedDisplay to make the difference clearer.
~ ~ Dave
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 10, 2005 at 09:31:01PM -0500, DaveG wrote:
>>In order to use Magpie (ref
>>http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/RssFeedDisplay) in conjunction with
>>2.1b14, should I include both:
>> require_once('local/magpierss/rss_fetch.inc');
>> include_once('scripts/feeds.php');
>>At the moment I have both, I get xml generated on action=rss, and have
>>the CACHE directory set. But the magpie cache does not get populated.
>>I'm a little confussed at how Magpie and PMwiki play together, if at all.
> Well, the two do very different things, so they ought to be
> almost totally independent of each other and work just fine.
> Magpie is used to import RSS feeds from other sites and display them
> in wiki pages. The PmWiki web feeds system in 2.1.beta14 is intended
> to generate web feeds that can be imported by other systems. (And yes,
> it's possible for Magpie to import a PmWiki feed, but they aren't
> have any dependencies on each other.)
> So, include_once('scripts/feeds.php') simply adds ?action=rss
> and ?action=atom to your wiki, to generate RSS feeds that other
> programs can import.
> The magpie recipe adds an (:RSS ...:) markup that can be used
> to display the contents of a feed in a wiki page.
> So, you should be able to add either or both of the recipes to your
> site and have them work, and if the magpie cache isn't being
> populated, it's likely something strictly to do with the magpie
> setup and not anything introduced by beta14.
> Hope this helps,
> Pm
>>Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>>>I've just released pmwiki-2.1.beta14, which makes significant
>>>changes to PmWiki's built-in web feed capabilities. The newest
>>>beta release is available from
>>> http://www.pmwiki.org/pub/pmwiki/pmwiki-2.1.beta14.tgz
>>> http://www.pmwiki.org/pub/pmwiki/pmwiki-2.1.beta14.zip
>>> http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/pmwiki
>>> svn://pmwiki.org/pmwiki/tags/latest
>>>In this new release, the scripts/rss.php file has been replaced by a
>>>newer scripts/rss.php. Existing sites can either continue to use the
>>>traditional rss.php, or switch over to feeds.php.
>>>The new feeds.php works correctly with UTF-8 and can generate feeds
>>>in any of RSS 2.0, Atom 1.0, RSS 1.0, and even Dublin Core Metadata
>>>format. It can also produce feeds from any wikitrail, category, or group,
>>>and supports the use of the RSS <enclosure> tag for podcasting.
>>>To generate feeds, add a line like the following to a local configuration
>>> if ($action == 'rss') include_once('scripts/feeds.php');
>>> if ($action == 'atom') include_once('scripts/feeds.php');
>>>The basic functionality of RSS support remains the same as before,
>>>adding ?action=rss or ?action=rdf to a wikitrail page generates a feed
>>>for the pages on the trail. The ?count=n parameter can be used to
>>>specify the maximum number of items that should be placed in the feed,
>>>while ?order= can specify the order in which items should appear.
>>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Site/AllRecentChanges?action=rss
>>> - RSS 2.0 feed for the PmWiki site
>>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Category/Skins?action=atom&order=-time
>>> - Atom 1.0 feed for all pages in the Skins category, most
>>> recently edited first
>>> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/PmWiki?action=dc
>>> - Dublin Core Metadata for PmWiki.PmWiki page
>>>The new script is highly configurable, new elements can be easily
>>>added to feeds via the $FeedFmt array. Elements in $FeedFmt look like
>>> $FeedFmt['atom']['feed']['rights'] = 'All Rights Reserved';
>>>where the first index corresponds to the action (?action=atom),
>>>the second index indicates a per-feed or per-item element, and
>>>the third index is the name of the element being generated.
>>>The above setting would therefore generate a
>>>"<rights>All Rights Reserved</rights>" in the feed for
>>>?action=atom. If the value of an entry begins with a '<',
>>>then feeds.php doesn't automatically add the tag around it.
>>>Elements can also be callable functions which are called to
>>>generate the appropriate output.
>>>In order to properly support these changes, PmWiki has also
>>>improved some of its internal metadata handling. Descriptions,
>>>keywords, and the initial portion of formatted output (up to
>>>$SaveAttrExcerptLength, default 600 chars) are saved directly
>>>into page files.
>>>Lastly, PmWiki has adjusted the way it saves pages so that
>>>trail markup no longer generates internal links to other pages
>>>on the trail (i.e., trail next and previous links no longer appear
>>>in the link index).
>>>Comments, questions, suggestions welcome as always.
>>>pmwiki-users mailing list
>>>pmwiki-users at pmichaud.com
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