[Pmwiki-users] Re: Page tree with minimal syntax -- some problems

chr@home.se chr
Thu Oct 21 10:49:43 CDT 2004

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

>... let search path first check the parent's name...

> > This is no longer a problem if [[PmWiki]] automatically links to the 
> > parent.
> There may still be a small problem.  If I'm in a page called
> WikiEngines.PmWiki.Markup, and I want to get to PmWiki.TextFormattingRules,
> how do I get there?

I'm not really sure I understand the exact situation, but I'll assume we 
have this tree:
   |-- WikiEngines
   |     '-- PmWiki
   |           '-- Markup		<-- current page
   '-- PmWiki
         '-- TextFormattingRules

So this is a new situation in the sense that we are trying to refer to
something in a different group. In PmWiki 1/2, using long group names, the
current page would be /WikiEnginesPmWiki/Markup right? Leaving us only the
use of an absolute path as a solution: [[PmWiki.TextFormattingRules]]

>From that point of view, forcing the use of an absolute path is no worse 
than what we have today. In the syntax I suggested, an absolute path is 
one starting with a '/', thus [[/PmWiki/TextFormattingRules]]

IMO, [[PmWiki.TextFormattingRules]] from /WikiEngines/PmWiki/Markup should
refer to the nonexisting page /WikiEngines/PmWiki/TextFormattingRules, so
the link could also be written as [[TextFormattingRules]].


Christian Ridderstr?m, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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