[Pmwiki-users] Re: can pmwiki handle hierarchical content?

Stefan Candea stefan
Mon Oct 18 11:52:42 CDT 2004

> On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 10:13:46AM -0400, Stefan Candea wrote:
>> For clarity and siplicity sake, and unless we have a better wheel to
>> invent, the traditional directory reference (relative or absolute)
>> should
>> be applied.
>> So [[A]] should refere only to the page within the group!  It makes it
>> also simple and possible to do the search within a group (or below).
>> Relative notation would be used for pages at a relative 'short
>> distance',
>> e.g. ../A or SubGroup/etc/A and absolute for the others.  This
>> eliminates
>> confusion and makes the hierarchy possible.
> Nope, there's still confusion, or at least annoyance.
> Let's suppose that I'm in the page Linux.Hardware.  Now I want to
> link to the page Linux.Hardware.SoundCards.  What markup do I use to do
> this?
> [[SoundCards]] won't work, because that would be Linux.SoundCards (i.e.,
> "[[A]] should refer only to pages within the group").
> Pm

The confusion rises from the Page/SubPage concept.  This, indeed, is
harder.  However, if groups are not pages as directories are not files
then the above can never happen.  However, if same group name and page
name can coexist then we can use the following:

* If Linux.Hardware is a page then [[SoundCards]] can only refer to
Linux.SoundCards (we are within the Linux group

* To link to Linux.Hardware.SoundCards we would have to use
[[Hardware/SoundCards]] (i.e. in current context/group subgroup Hardware,
page SoundCards) and this, even if our current page is called "Hardware"


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