[Pmwiki-users] update on $MaxIncludes

J. Meijer commentgg
Tue May 4 18:46:34 CDT 2004

Hi, I think I have a better working alternative for $MaxIncludes. The
changes are minimal, however they require patching the pmwiki.php file so I
am submitting them.


Instead of counting (page-)includes, an array $IncludedFiles is maintained.
Includes are only processed when the file has not yet been included, i.e.
the pagename is not yet in the $IncludedFiles array. The array is
initialized with $pagemenu (the page being generated).

Besides proving an effective run-away protection similar to $MaxIncludes,
this system has a side-effect that is especially useful when composing menus
in the side-bar using the <!--wiki:$Group.Menu--> syntax in the .tmpl file:
a menu can be listed twice or more, but will be included only once.
F.e. this is a section from .tmpl that includes both a global (main) and a
But when the group is Main the page looks ugly using the $MaxIncludes

The current MaxIncludes-code must be replaced in ProcessTextDirectives() and
PrintWikiPage(). The modifications are obvious. Below you see the patch of
pmwiki.php in use now, the changes marked by #NEW.

$IncludedFiles = array($pagename);   ###NEW


function PrintWikiPage($pagename,$wikilist=NULL) {
  global $PrintWikiPageNotFoundFmt
    ,$IncludedFiles; ###NEW
  if (is_null($wikilist)) $wikilist=$pagename;
  $pagelist = preg_split('/\s+/',$wikilist,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
  foreach($pagelist as $p) {
    if ( !in_array($p,$IncludedFiles) and PageExists($p) ) { ###NEW
      array_push($IncludedFiles,$p);  ###NEW
      $page = RetrieveAuthPage($p,"read",false);
      if ($page['text']) PrintText($pagename,$page['text']);
  if ($PrintWikiPageNotFoundFmt>'')
    print FmtPageName(@$PrintWikiPageNotFoundFmt,array_pop($pagelist));

function ProcessTextDirectives($pagename,$text="") {
  global $Text,$GroupNamePattern,$PageTitlePattern,$MaxIncludes,
  ,$IncludedFiles; ###NEW
  if (!$text) $text=$Text;
  $text = preg_replace("/\\[\\=(.*?)\\=\\]/se",
  while ( preg_match("/\\[\\[include:(.*?)\\]\\]/",$text,$match)
  and !in_array($match[1],$IncludedFiles) ) {   ###NEW
    $inclrepl=$match[0]; $inclname=$match[1]; $incltext='';
    array_push($IncludedFiles,$inclname);    ###NEW
    if (!preg_match("/^$GroupNamePattern([\\/.])$PageTitlePattern\$/",

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