[Pmwiki-users] EnablePathInfo incorrect on Modwest?

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud
Tue Mar 2 00:48:37 CST 2004

On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 07:12:26PM -0500, J. Perkins wrote:
> I just tried installing 0.6.7 on my account at Modwest, and 
> $EnablePathInfo is being set to zero. It's a Linux/Apache host, so I 
> tried setting $EnablePathInfo=1 in my config.php, but then when I 
> clicked on a link, the URL would change but Main.HomePage would always 
> be displayed. For kicks, I tried editing pmwiki.php directly, line 207: 
> I directly set $EnablePathInfo=1, and then everything now works fine.
> If you have a look at http://www.sim8.com/phptest.php you can see the 
> output of phpinfo(). Anything else I can do to help debug this issue 
> please let me know.

Yes, the problems with PATH_INFO are occurring with greater frequency,
so I'm going to try to completely redesign PmWiki's detection logic in
this area.

I may need to issue a series of test scripts and have some volunteers
try them out on a variety of hosting services and report back for me.


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