[Pmwiki-users] Re: Top-posting, Outlook Express, QuoteFix (Recommended Software Utility)

Konstantin Zadorozhny kzadorozhny
Wed Jun 9 18:48:50 CDT 2004

Hello, Bob!
You wrote  on Wed, 9 Jun 2004 17:19:37 -0400:

 ??>> In my travels, I also found a wonderful little utility for Outlook
 ??>> Express users.  If you've ever been even the slightest bit annoyed at
 ??>> how Outlook Express handles replies to messages, or not properly
 ??>> quoting message, then check out this utility.  It's called OE
 ??>> QuoteFix. http://home.in.tum.de/~jain/software/oe-quotefix/

 BD> I recommend this software also. It compensates wonderfully for what I
 BD> think is a horrid flaw in Outlook Express. Using oe-quotefix to write
 BD> this message, btw.

Sorry for off topic.

Sad nobody didn't know what fidolook is. :( You going to have quoting like
above, templates and tons of usefull stuff.

With best regards, Konstantin Zadorozhny.

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