[Pmwiki-users] email protection

Reimer Behrends behrends
Wed Feb 25 16:04:19 CST 2004

On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 05:32:06PM +0100, Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Karl Loncarek wrote:
> Hi erveyone,
> is there a way to protect email links?

See below for a solution that uses a very simple obfuscation
technique. It should be easy to extend it to different things.
Caveat: Currently it's only been tested with pmwiki 0.5.

			Reimer Behrends

$LinkPatterns[201]["\\bmailto:($UrlPathPattern)"] = "FmtMailTo";

function ObfuscateHTML($text)
  $out = "";
  foreach (preg_split("//", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $ch)
    $out .= "&#" . ord($ch) . ";";
  return $out;

function FmtMailTo($pattern, $link, $text)
  $hrefaddr = preg_replace("/^mailto:/", "", $link);
  if (is_null($text))
    $textaddr = ObfuscateHTML($hrefaddr);
    $textaddr = $text;
  $mailto = '&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;';
  $hrefaddr = ObfuscateHTML($hrefaddr);
  $textaddr = str_replace("&#64;", "<span>&#64;</span>", $textaddr);
  return "<a href='$mailto$hrefaddr'>$textaddr</a>";

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