[Pmwiki-users] Re: Re: Setting Sidebar to ThisGroup:SideBar

Elindal elindal
Thu Feb 12 14:29:44 CST 2004

Thanks for your help on this.

Reading through the discussions I think it would work best this way.

A variable to ask if the sidebar should be left or right. [Default left]
The reason I think this would be good is it will allow people to move the
sidebar without having to worry about renaming pages.

The default should be that it looks for '$Group.SideBar'.

There should then be a variable to chose if a Generic SideBar should be
used instead. [Default on]
This is so someone can have a Generic Sidebar for most of the Groups on
their Wiki, but Administratively turn it off if they want to for a Group.

If this variable is set to on, then it should check if '$Group.SideBar'
exists, and if that does not exist it tries for '$MainGroup.SideBar'. The
reason I state '$MainGroup' instead of 'Main' is because of the ability
PmWiki has to use something other than 'Main' as your default group.

I think that two variables and one pagename will allow for the greatest
flexibility. The only thing it does not cater for is someone who wants a
SideBar on both sides of the page. But that would be rare I would expect.

Richard Canning

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