[Pmwiki-users] right and center alignment

John Feezell JohnFeezell
Sat Feb 7 20:33:32 CST 2004

On Sat, 7 Feb 2004 17:28:36 -0700, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com> 

> Anyone have proposed markups for right-justified and center-justified
> paragraphs?  John Rankin has been using a leading '>' to indicate
> right-alignment but has expressed that he's not very happy with it.
> I'd like to see if we can come up with a good markup for this.
> In PmWiki 0.6-beta I've been using '->' to indicate indented text
> (and other sites have been doing similar things), so it's probably
> not a good choice for this.
> In some sense we could do best by introducing it as a WikiStyle
> (%align=right%, %align=center%)--anyone in favor of that?  If done
> this way, I'm thinking that %align=right% or %align=center% anywhere
> in a markup line would cause the entire line of markup to be
> right or center justified (and having both %align=right% and 
> %align=center%
> in a line would be somewhat unpredictable).
> Ideas, comments, suggestions?
> Pm

For me, the simplier the markup the better.  So how about:
> |     or     >>|     right-justify
<|>    or     <<|>>   center-justify
|<     or       |<<   left-justfy

The markup would be placed at the start of a line. This would
eliminate any possible conficts. It would continue in effect
until alternate markup is encountered.


> | This would all be right-justified. \\
The right-justification would continue \\
for as many lines as follow.
<| Now the text would be left-justified. \\
It would continue as lef-justified until \\
a different justification markup was encountered in \\
the markup.
<|> Now for some center-justified text \\
blah blah blah \\
blah blah blah
<| And now back to left-justified.

This markup is simple and probably wouldn't occur naturally
in typical text.  The keystrokes are all in shift mode and
easy to type.  It is recognizable as markup.  They also relate
to -> and --> that indicate indented text.



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