[Pmwiki-users] StopWatch update
Patrick R. Michaud
Mon Dec 20 07:16:24 CST 2004
On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 11:20:11AM +0100, Knut Alboldt wrote:
> I did some changes in for the Stopwatch-function in pmwiki.php and
> diag.php cause it didn't run right on a windows-webserver. Pm, if you
> could have a look and possibly test this for linux as well and migrate
> this to the distribution code.
2.0.beta11 has a totally different mechanism for selecting which items
to save in StopWatch, and uses an $EnableStopWatch variable. Setting
$EnableStopWatch to 1 causes PmWiki to get the wall clock time only;
setting $EnableStopWatch to 2 also captures the getrusage time. The
default is $EnableStopWatch == 0, which causes the StopWatch function
to immediately return.
Windows systems simply never use $EnableStopWatch = 2, since the getrusage
function doesn't work there.
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