[Pmwiki-users] upgrading from v2 prebeta to v2 b7?
Patrick R. Michaud
Wed Dec 8 15:48:09 CST 2004
On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 05:19:13PM -0500, Steve Rothman wrote:
> I feel bad, because I'm sure this must be obvious, but I've hunted
> around on pmwiki.org and the last couple months of archives on this list
> and can't find a hint.
> I have a small wiki set up with version 2.0 pre-beta - not sure which
> release, but I think one of the later ones before beta started. I'd like
> to upgrade to 2.0b7.
> I find lots of instructions and hints about upgrading v1 to v2, but I
> can't find anything about going from v2.x to v2.y.
Basically, you just copy the files of the new version over the
existing one. The major difference between the v2.0.devel releases
and the v2.0.beta is the skins handling code -- you'll want to
set $Skin = 'skindir'; instead of using $PageTemplateFmt or $PageSkinsFmt
which were used prior to 2.0.beta. See PmWiki.LayoutBasics for details
on that.
And feel free to ask if you run into any other issues!
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