[Pmwiki-users] pmwiki-2.0.beta7 released
Patrick R. Michaud
Wed Dec 8 08:56:05 CST 2004
I've just released pmwiki-2.0.beta7, which provides a number of improvements
and changes.
First, this release provides a scripts/xlpage-utf-8.php file, which
adapts PmWiki to be able to work somewhat with utf-8 characters in
pagenames. Since PHP's preg_* functions seem to be unable to detect
UTF-8 alphanumeric characters, the trade-off at the moment is that
WikiWord links are limited to the ASCII character set. However, UTF-8
characters in [[...]] markup do work as pagenames, which brings it to
a level of usability we haven't had before. We're working on ways to
get around the WikiWord restriction, however.
The xlpage-utf-8.php script can be loaded by using
or it is automatically loaded by any XLPage translation that specifies
'xlpage-i18n' => 'utf-8'.
This release also:
* fixes up the .htaccess files that are placed in local/ and wiki.d/
* changes the default textarea size for the pmwiki skin,
* restores the link/citation markup ([[target |#]])
* fixes the default value of $DefaultPageTextFmt (note this may change again)
* automatically converts instances of $Newline in posted text
Comments, questions to pmwiki-users or PITS as always.
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