[Pmwiki-users] Searchbox conversion to Pmwiki2
Patrick R. Michaud
Tue Dec 7 20:49:47 CST 2004
On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 04:17:03PM +1300, John Rankin wrote:
> I am in 2 minds about putting back the action=search; in
> some ways this is missing out on the opportunities PmWiki 2
> enables. OTOH, there are arguments for search results
> not taking a searcher to a page in a different group.
I agree fully with this last comment, so maybe we should look
for ways to build the correct behavior into the default. One
solution might be to have ?action=search always use the
contents of Main.SearchWiki as its markup, regardless of
the pagename that is entered.
Another thought:
> - an action=search that displays the results in the current page,
> including a SearchQuickReference page (in other words, it behaves
> like Edit Page)
This seems like it could be accomplished by modifying $GroupHeaderFmt,
something like...
if ($action=='search') {
$GroupHeaderFmt = '(:include $Group.GroupHeader:)(:nl:)(:include Main.SearchWiki:)(:nl:)';
$action = 'browse';
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