[Pmwiki-users] (:include RecentChanges#1#10:) not quite working?
Patrick R. Michaud
Mon Dec 6 10:30:49 CST 2004
On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 12:09:05PM -0500, corq wrote:
> Looking to get this working in my main page of v2; is there something else
> I need to have enabled in the config?
> Right now it still returns the entire list of RecentChanges wherever I put
> it.
The current syntax is
(:include RecentChanges lines=10:)
(:include RecentChanges#label lines=10:)
Someday I'm hoping to add some others--things like
(:include RecentChanges paras=5:)
- include first five paragraphs
(:include RecentChanges#foo para=1:)
- include first paragraph after foo
(:include RecentChanges headings=2:)
- include first two sections (delimited by !, !!, etc. headings)
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