[Pmwiki-users] Problem with %define= ... %
Patrick R. Michaud
Thu Dec 2 15:34:35 CST 2004
On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 11:21:05AM +1300, John Rankin wrote:
> >Then someone would do
> >
> > (:css .box { border:1px solid black; } :)
> >
> > %box% This text is in a box.
> >
> Yes! And one might go slightly further and accept
> (:css box { border:1px solid black; } :)
Well, I'm thinking ahead to the day when we might want to support
more than css class definitions; e.g., to style the <dfn> tag:
(:css dfn { font-style:normal; } :)
So, we'd need to have something to distinguish CSS selectors, and
I vote to use the CSS selector syntax. :-) The reason I'm not
coming straight and and supporting arbitrary css selectors just
yet is similar to the reasons for not allowing arbitrary html:
(:css body { display:none; } :)
> What happens if an author writes:
> (:css #box { border:1px solid black; } :)
> and uses 2 %box% entries on the same page? Or does PmWiki support
> . only, using anchors to mark specific places on a page?
WikiStyles only use class selectors and not id selectors, and as yet
anchors only mark a position on a page. And for the reason cited
above I'm not quite ready to support CSS properties on element ids
either (although it's certainly doable as a local modification).
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