[Pmwiki-users] $EnablePostAuthorRequired
John Feezell
Wed Dec 1 19:33:49 CST 2004
On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 16:03:20 -0700, Patrick R. Michaud <pmichaud at pobox.com>
> On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 01:35:20PM -0900, Chris Lott wrote:
>> Running PmWiki2, I have this in my config.php
>> $EnablePostAuthorRequired = 1;
>> where I have other variables for the site that are working, but it
>> seems to accept posts without any author just fine... ideas?
> What version of pmwiki 2 are you running? This is a bug that I suspect
> was introduced in 2.0.beta3 and then fixed in 2.0.beta4.
> Pm
I'm running 2.0.beta4 with a farm setup and find that
$EnablePostAuthorRequired = 1;
has no effect when I place it in either the main
config.php or farmconfig.php file.
Also, setting $EnableUrlApprovalRequired = 1;
in either config.php or farmconfig.php has no
apparent affect.
Don't know if these are related in any way or not.
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