[Pmwiki-users] Markup
Pedro Miller Rabinovitch
Wed Aug 27 16:17:16 CDT 2003
On Wednesday 27 August 2003 18:34, you wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 05:50:45PM -0300, Pedro Miller Rabinovitch wrote:
> > It's pretty easy, when you think about it -- we either keep
> > the server-side version in a different, specialized storage format (e.g.,
> > XML, whatever) or convert different input markup into the local flavor.
> It's only easy as long as you're able to come up with a reliable
> translation to convert from the specialized storage format back to a
> readable markup-- i.e., you need a *bidirectional* translator that can
> preserve all of the markup semantics. The need for bidirectional
Right. I've worked with unidirection translation from XML and Lua to HTML, TeX
and text. Of course, bidirectional *is* tougher, you're correct. However,
pmwiki.php _already_ implements, say PmW to HTML conversions. Say we changed
it to read PmW and generate XML -- or any other format, for that matter
(should be pretty easy, when you think about it. Instead of outputting
<h1>\1</h1>, just output <heading level=1>\1</heading> or its equivalent.
<h1></h1>, of course, would still be acceptable!). Converting the XML to HTML
(display) would be easy, just plug in the original substitutions. Converting
the XML back to PmW... see below.
> translation is the tough part-- although it's relatively easy to create a
> translator that goes from A to B, in most contexts it's very difficult to
> come up with a reverse-translator that can reliably go from B back to A.
Correct, in lots of contexts that is the case. However, here we need to
convert things from
<heading level=1>Pay attention!</heading>
<list-item>Look <strong>both</strong> sides before crossing <link
<list-item>Always make <emph>sure</emph> you're up-to-date with the <link
type="internal">Safety Guide</link>.
!Pay attention!
*Look '''both''' sides before crossing BusyStreets;
*Always make ''sure'' you're up-to-date with the {{Safety Guide}}.
h1:Pay attention!
- Look *both* sides before crossing [BusyStreets];
- Always make _sure_ you're up-to-date with the [Safety Guide].
> Example 1: Save a Word document as HTML, then load the HTML document back
> into Word. The document doesn't look the same because the translations
> are imperfect.
Yes. But there's a world of difference between those 2 formats (they serve
diferent purposes), whereas our XML specs (or whatever is used) would be
naturally close to Wiki-markup.
> It might be possible in wiki environments, where the markup language is
> somewhat limited, but even here there can be some problems.
There you go.
> Example 2: User A prefers {{Link}} for links, while user B prefers
> "[Link]". How does A write "[Link]" in her text --i.e., the word "Link" in
> brackets but is not a link?
The way she'd rather do it, i.e., according to her chosen markup-style. See,
the system *knows* how to translate her markup from <style> to <intermediate
language>. Hence, *it* knows whether "[Link]" means, FOR THIS USER,
"<link>Link</link>" or "[Link]".
> Does the specialized storage format have to go ahead and convert her
> "[Link]" to some sort of internal representation, even though it has no
> special meaning in her markup, so that it doesn't suddenly become treated
> like a link when B starts editing the pages she wrote?
Depends on whether or not "[Link]" has any special meaning in the internal
representation. In the XML example above, for instance, it doesn't, so it
isn't. When it's time to output PmW-style, it's preserved. If we're
outputting another wiki style, it would be converted to \[Link\] (or whatever
that wiki-style uses to escape characters), in order to avoid creating a link
where there was none.
> It becomes even more difficult in systems where the languages can be
> customized (as PmWiki's markup language is customizable)--there has
> to be a way to add the customizations (and their reverses) into the
> specialized storage format.
True. However, I do think this work would clear up the internal markup
representation a lot (i.e., the InlineMatches and DoubleBrackets business),
actually *helping* people to customize the Wiki markup.
> So, I don't think it'd be all that easy to do.
Well, I meant "easy" in the Grand Scheme of Things (tm), not as in
"easy-easy". >:)
(in my hierarchy, 'easy' is pretty close to 'possible'. Just one of the many
things that have driven to my present closeness to insanity >;) )
> However, if it's done
> I think that clearly one ought to use an XML-like structure for the
> internal format--the trick is to coming up with a system that can
> reliably perform translations between an XML internal representation,
> various custom wiki markups, and XHTML.
Yeah. On the other hand, it would both be useful as a module for other
projects, and create opportunities for new "print/publish" actions that could
generate, say, TeX source, etc.
I know it's a tough cookie. But I think it would push the envelope in the
whole wiki-area.
All said and done, I'd love to see this at work. >:)
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