Hi PmWiki Community,<br><br>I just wanted to announce publicly that I've been working a cookbook recipe, <a href="http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/MapWiki">MapWiki</a>, that will enable Google Maps, and potentially any other digital map, to be embedded into a PmWiki page. Additionally, a MySQL database enables these individual pages to be aggregated into a single multi-marker map where each marker draws its data from and links back to its corresponding wiki page.<br>
<br>I think this is really useful for anyone who needs to produce a map in a decentralized fashion, i.e. anyone can add map points, or for projects that just want to take advantage of the ease of wikis to add/update content and extend that to map generation. <br>
<br>There are likely bugs and things I have not explained very clearly in the recipe, but it does work, and I'd love to see it used in someone's wiki project. Please check out the recipe, make comments, and email me with questions. <br>
<br>Best,<br>ryan<br>--<br>Ryan O'Toole<br><a href="http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Profiles/RyanOToole">http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Profiles/RyanOToole</a><br>