(I already sent this to Petko offlist, but since the thread today indicated sending it to the dev list, I'll do that as well.)<br><br>2 issues have been identified recently which have to do with the fact that PTVs are always read from the saved copy of a page.<br>
<br>(1) During preview the saved copy is used instead of the copy that you have just edited<br>(2) During save if an invisible PTV is used to hold a link which is then shown elsewhere, the link= in .pageindex is cached with the copy that was previously on disk rather than the copy that is newly edited and being saved now.<br>
<br>It's easier to read the attached patch than it is to explain what it does. Basically it uses the newly-updated text of the page to update the in-memory cache of PTVs rather than reading the page stored in the pagestore.<br>
<br>Review, testing, etc welcomed. Particularly I'm interested if people think the PTVCache() should check if $PCache[...]['=pagetextvars'] is set or allow it to re-cache the PTV values if called explicitly... (It's already checked in PageTextVar().)<br>
<br>In any event, I'm hoping this (or something similar) will be considered for addition into the core to resolve the 2 issues referred to above.<br><br>-Peter<br>