I've changed the acceptable page name patterns successfully with the following code, so that I can have gRoup-and_also/page_nameS_like_THIS. However, pagelists/searches still only find the pages/groups that comply to the old standard.<br>
<br>I've been poking around pagelist.php, but I'm not even sure what I'm looking for. None of the regex seems to be related to page names.<br><br>Thanks for your help!<br><br><br>if( $Charset=='UTF-8' ) {<br>
$PageNameChars='-_[:alnum:]\\x80-\\xfe';<br> $MakePageNamePatterns = array(<br> "/'/" => '', # strip single-quotes<br> "/[^$PageNameChars]+/" => ' ', # convert everything else to space<br>
"/(^\\s+)|(\\s+\$)/" => '', # trim whitespaces<br> "/^([a-z])/e" => "strtoupper('$1')", # uppercase first letter<br> "/ /" => '_'); # convert spaces to undersc<br>
} else {<br> $PageNameChars = '-_[:alnum:]';<br> $MakePageNamePatterns = array(<br> "/'/" => '', # strip single-quotes<br> "/[^$PageNameChars]+/" => ' ', # convert everything else to space<br>
"/(^\\s+)|(\\s+\$)/" => '', # trim whitespaces<br> "/ /" => '_' # convert spaces to underscores<br> );<br>}<br><br>$AsSpacedFunction = 'AsSpacedUnderlines';<br>
function AsSpacedUnderlines($text) {<br> return strtr($text,'_',' ');<br>}<br clear="all"><br>Mike<br>