[pmwiki-devel] Error message

Petko Yotov 5ko at 5ko.fr
Fri Jul 10 05:35:47 CDT 2015

When you save the file, the encoding/charset should be either 
cp1252/Windows1252 or UTF-8 without Byte Order Mark.

Also, double check that you not have any spaces, characters or line 
breaks before the first <?php of that file.

Finally, when you transfer the files, tell your FTP manager to use text 
mode transfer, or, if that doesn't help, binary mode transfer.


On 2015-07-10 11:17, Simon wrote:
> I've been testing on Windows, all good. Uploaded to my host (linux)
> and I get this error
> PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent 
> by
> (output started at
> /home/ttcorgnz/public_html/pmwiki/cookbook/extract.php:1) in
> /home/ttcorgnz/public_html/pmwiki/pmwiki.php on line 1240
> I've not had this happen before.
> I checked the download and upload of extract.php (e.g. opened it with
> notepad++ and saved to check encoding).
> Any ideas would be appreciated, in the meantime I've had to comment it 
> out

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