[pmwiki-devel] support pure latex files?

Uwe Brauer oub at mat.ucm.es
Tue Sep 23 09:25:41 CDT 2008


Would the following be easily possible:

Upload an complete Latex files, which is then on the wiki surrounded in
by the construct say



This is a test of a latex file 

  \int f dx =0



This file cannot  be displayed by the wiki engine, but 
can be  be compiled, in order to generate a PDF or PNG file. 

Clicking on the EDIT buttons opens that file, which than could be edited by an
external editor, if necessary, say via  mozex.

The changes however are noted by the wiki system, such that editing
conflicts are advised.

Such an enhancement would be a great leap forward for having
collaborative software, based on pure latex, which still is the choice
for most publication.

Thanks and regards

Uwe Brauer 

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