[pmwiki-devel] Is 'RightBar' the right name?

Stirling Westrup sti at pooq.com
Tue May 22 08:33:58 CDT 2007

Hash: SHA1

DaveG wrote:
>> Stirling Westrup napsal(a):

>> I'm working on a skin for a project and its going to have both a sidebar 
>> and an (optional) rightbar. I'm not sure that 'rightbar' is what I should
>> be referring to it as though. One of the configuration options is going to 
>> be to switch the contents of the left and right sidebars, so the 'sidebar' 
>> will be on the right, and the 'rightbar' will end up on the left, thus 
>> demonstrating the problem with the name.
>> I've been thinking of using 'altbar' or 'altsidebar' or some other name for
>> the sidebar that will (by default) show up on the right side. Does anyone
>> else have any suggestions?
> Use contextual naming. That is, name the sidebars based on the type of
> content they will contain (TOC, MainMenu, SubMenu, etc).

That won't work, as I'm just creating a skin. What goes in the sidebars will
be a decision of the user of the skin, and different users are likely to
choose differently.
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