[pmwiki-devel] Problem with Hg...

The Editor editor at fast.st
Sat Mar 17 21:54:53 CDT 2007

I seem to be having a problem with Hg, and I'm not sure how to debug it.

Basically when the recipe is enabled and I click a link to a page that
does not exist, I get a 404 error.  When I disable the recipe, it
shows up as expected in PmWiki.

It seems to do this whether I have Hg's cleanurls system working or
not.  It does not do it on my home machine (windows), just on the
server (linux).

I even tried commenting out the first three main lines of the program,
and nothing fixed it...

$pagename = hgResolvePageName($pagename);
$FmtPV['$PageUrl'] = 'PUE("$ScriptUrl?n=" . hgUrl($group, $name))';
$LinkPageCreateFmt = hgCreateFmt("{\$PageUrl}");

I was sure it would be one of these lines cause the rest of the script
is pretty much setting up variables for the different hierachical

Pm, can you or someone help me figure out what the problem is?  I'm a
bit stumped.


PS.  Oops.  Just noticed it only does it on IE (7) and not on FireFox.
 This is really strange.

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