[pmwiki-devel] ChordPro Recipe Enhancements / Guitar Tabalature Software

Martin Fick mogulguy at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 30 14:00:20 CDT 2007

--- Jeremy Sproat <sproaticus at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 4/26/07, Martin Fick <mogulguy at yahoo.com> wrote:
> If anyone wants to take ownership of this project,
> they have my full blessing.

I may do this if I feel that I can add my improvements

> I was looking into using the GD image library, which
> may or may not be supported on your webhost.  (See
> http://us.php.net/gd for API docs.)
> The basic idea is this:  instead of an
> ASCII-formatted chord diagram, the ChordPro script
> provides a URL to a PHP/GD-based script, e.g.
> chorddiagram.php -
>     a
> chorddiagram.php will generate the file
> /wiki/pub/chordpro/G320033.png
> (if necessary) then either 302 redirect to it or
> stream it back to the browser.  It would also use a 
> user-provided dictionary so that e.g.
> chorddiagram.php?chord=G will fetch the file
> G320033.png (or G355433.png if you prefer since it's
> up to the user.)  For extra credit, this custom
> dictionary could be parsed from a wiki page 
> consisting of {define} directives.

Yes, this is what I had in mind if I had to implement
the drawing myself (I did this for a chess option),
but I was really hoping to take your parser piece and
combine it with someone else's drawing piece so that
it would be easier!

My goal would be to make the graphic chord boxes small
enough so that they could be put inline above with the
lyrics the way that the current chord letters are put
(some books do this,) instead of just at the top.

Anyway, it might be a while since I am currently
working on my ascii2abctab conversion script (see the
other guitar tabalature thread,) but if someone has
any pointers to (libre) software that can already do
the drawing for me, that might be a little sooner. :)



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