[pmwiki-devel] Fwd: template markup processing for email...

The Editor editor at fast.st
Fri Apr 27 08:35:17 CDT 2007

On 4/27/07, Crisses <crisses at kinhost.org> wrote:
> Hi, Dan!  Me again. :)
> I note that the PmWiki directives are not being digested before the email is
> sent out.... the variable replacement is being made, though.  But if I
> wanted to do if-include, for example, to change the body of an email
> depending on the values in the submitted form, it wouldn't work.
> Is there a way to email later in the wiki page processing?  I can deal with
> it if this is just how it's going to work, but it didn't work by making a
> wiki page "just as I normally would" :)
> Thanks!
> Crisses

This is true, Crisses.  The message is strictly built on the wiki page
source. In fact there is NO markup processing of it. I could perhaps
do something like put a marker on the template page--maybe
(:domarkup:)--that the ZAP mail system looks for when doing it's
templating, and if found, runs the markup engine on the content.

I'll repost this to the devel list, because while easy enough to do
codewise (maybe 1 line), I don't know what might happen to just run
the markup engine on a string like that and mail it. And if just that
content is sent via email whether it will be complete enough
(<html><head><body>< etc) to make a viable html email message? And
then there's options like skins or sidebars or groupheaders/footers. I
don't know enough about the issues involved to jump out there with

Another option might be a limited markup engine for certain
features... But that then becomes a big job. So I'll help if I can,
but my design goal was basically to send text emails...


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