[pmwiki-devel] wrong path in mkdirp message

Guillermo Calderon - INCO calderon at fing.edu.uy
Wed Nov 29 06:33:03 CST 2006

When I try to upload a file without giving approppriate permissions 
the following messsage is written to the browser:

PmWiki can't process your request

PmWiki needs to have a writable uploads/ directory before it can 
continue. You can create the directory manually by executing the 
following commands on your server:

     mkdir /uploads
     chmod 777 /uploads

Then, reload this page.

Or, for a slightly more secure installation, try executing

     chmod 2777

on your server and following this link. Afterwards you can restore the 
permissions to their current setting by executing

     chmod 0


We are sorry for any inconvenience.

As you can see, all chmod have the wrong paths.
I think the procedure "mkdirp" don't know how to process relative 
paths. In particular, the statement

     $parent = realpath(dirname($dir));

assign the null string to $parent, when $dir is of the form "uploads" 
(a relative path)

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