[pmwiki-devel] One click installation process...

Crisses crisses at kinhost.org
Sun Nov 26 16:21:31 CST 2006

On Nov 26, 2006, at 3:50 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

> P.S.:  Since writing PITS #00394 I have toyed with the idea of
> coming up with a form-based configuration system for some of
> the more common PmWiki and recipe settings -- i.e., an admin
> would simply do
>     include_once('cookbook/formconfig.php');
> and then use the form for lots of basic configuration settings,
> which could then be augmented or overridden by other statements
> in the config.php file.  But things still get complex when we
> start thinking about per-group or per-page customizations --
> where do those get stored?  Ultimately I get the feeling that we're
> just increasing the complexity rather than reducing complexity
> or simplifying it.

What we *could* do is have the more complicated recipes come with an  
installation helper form -- the user enters certain data, and the  
form is submitted returning a webpage with cut & paste text to add to  

PmWiki's core could also have a webform to produce a config file, and  
hand people a customized config file to cut/paste or save-as.  A  
bonus here is that it doesn't need to be saved-as config.php -- it  
could be for the page or the group in question instead.

Still, that's pretty optional.  Not only do we have to keep an eye on  
complexity for users, but for module writers as well.

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