[pmwiki-devel] Parse Args & Strings

Craige Leeder craige at internetadvisor.ca
Tue Nov 21 15:13:50 CST 2006

Hans wrote:

>// Markup() Calls
>Markup( 'map', '_begin', '/\(:map(-location\s|\s)(.*?):\)/ie',
>  "CvtMarkup(PSS('$1'), PSS('$2'))");
>see http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Functions about PSS
That did it, thanks. Now it's mostly up to implimenting javascript for 
the map generator, coding the addLocation function, and reworking my 
code (after so manny patches, things start to get a little out of place 
and cryptic). Then, I will have the address feature done, and the rest 
is up to parsing paramaters like width, zoom, and such.

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