[pmwiki-devel] Parse Args & Strings

Craige Leeder craige at internetadvisor.ca
Tue Nov 21 14:48:56 CST 2006

Hans wrote:

>It should work. Can you show the markup definition and the start of
>the function with ParseArg?
Sure can:

// Markup() Calls
Markup( 'map', '_begin', '/\(:map(-location\s|\s)(.*?):\)/ie', 
'CvtMarkup(\'$1\', \'$2\');' );


function GenerateMap( $params )
    global $GoogleMapDefaults, $HTMLHeaderFmt, $HeadFmt, $ParsedArgs;
    $loctype = null;
     * Time to parse the arguments
     // Check the location paramater

     // Is it quoted, and thus an address?
     if ( preg_match('/"(.*\s*)?"/', $params['location']) || 
!empty($TempLocation) )
         $loctype = 'addr'; // It's an address
         $ParsedArgs['location']['address'] = str_replace('"', '', 

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