[pmwiki-devel] New Recipe Code Problem: HTMLHeadFmt.
Craige Leeder
craige at internetadvisor.ca
Mon Nov 20 12:10:48 CST 2006
Crisses wrote:
> I think either you should give the full function code, or test the
> value of $HeadFmt IN the function.
> Here's one problem: What's triggering your function? Maybe the
> function never runs?
> Here's another possibility for how to do what you're trying:
> $HeadFmt = '<script type="text/javascript">
> //<![CDATA[
> function load() {
> if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
> var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("' .
> $GoogleMapDefaults['id'] . '"));
> }
> }
> ' . MoreTextFunction() . '
> //]]>
> </script>';
> then do whatever you need in MoreTextFunction() and have it return
> the javascript text you want pasted into $HeadFmt:
> return 'map.setCenter(new GLatLng(' . $ParsedArgs['lon'] .
> ', ' . $ParsedArgs['lat'] . '), ' . $GoogleMapDefaults['zoom'] . ');';
> And see if that works.
> Crisses
Well the function IS being run, it is called by a cvtMarkup() function,
which you will see in a moment. I have made sure it has run.
I can't do the seccond method, as the javascript is dynamically
generated throught multiple funcitons.
Here is the code I have so far.
/* Set Defaults
// Config Defaults
SDV( $GoogleMapKey, '' );
SDV( $GoogleMapDefaults, array( 'width' => '300',
'height' => '300',
'id' => 'map',
'view' => 'normal',
'zoom' => '11',
'lon' => '42.72500',
'lat' => '-81.200935'
) );
$PasedArgs &= $GoogleMapDefaults;
// HTMLHeader Defaults
$HTMLHeaderFmt[] = '<script
src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=' .
$GoogleMapKey . '"
$HeadFmt = '<script type="text/javascript">
function load() {
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("' .
$GoogleMapDefaults['id'] . '"));
// Markup() Calls
Markup( 'map', '_begin', '/\(:map(-location\s|\s)(.*?):\)/ie',
"CvtMarkup('$1', '$2')" );
/* Function Definitions.
* AKA: The Fun Stuff
/* (string) furncion cvtMarkup($call, $params);
* Discription: Main() function of script. CvtMarkup() checkes for the
markup call
* used, and makes a call to one of two fucntions depending
on call
* type. CvtMarkup() returns the result of this function
call to the
* wiki, which is the html needed to preform the action
function CvtMarkup( $call, $params )
$type = ( strpos( $call, '-location ' ) == 0 ) ? 'location' :
$args = ParseArgs( $params );
if ( $type = 'generate' )
return GenerateMap( $args );
elseif ( $type = 'location' )
return AddLocation( $args );
/* (string) GenerateMap($params);
* Discription: GenerateMap() does just as it's name implies: it
generates a map.
* More specifically though, it adds the javascript from
the Google
* Maps API, which generates the map for it.
function GenerateMap( $params )
global $GoogleMapDefaults, $HeadFmt;
$loctype = null;
* Time to parse the arguments
// Check the location paramater
if ( preg_match('/"(.*\s*)?"/', $params['location']) )
echo true;
$loctype = 'addr'; // It's an address
$ParsedArgs['location'] = str_replace('"', '',
$loctype = 'll'; // It's a longitude and latitude
$ll = explode( ',', $params['location'] );
$ParsedArgs['location'] = array( 'lon' => $ll[0], 'lat' =>
$ll[1] );
$HeadFmt .= 'map.setCenter(new GLatLng(' . $ParsedArgs['lon'] .
', ' . $ParsedArgs['lat'] . '), ' . $GoogleMapDefaults['zoom'] . ');';
$HeadFmt .= ' //]]>
echo $HeadFmt;
return '<div id="' . $GoogleMapDefaults['id'] . '" style="width:' .
$GoogleMapDefaults['width'] . 'px;height:' .
$GoogleMapDefaults['height'] . 'px;"></div>';
function AddLocation( $params )
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