[pmwiki-devel] Announcement: LinkedResourceExtras recipe

Dominique Faure dominique.faure at gmail.com
Thu Dec 21 10:07:34 CST 2006


I just added the LinkedResourceExtras recipe to the master Cookbook.
As described on its own page:

<<This recipe is more a set of ingredients for master chiefs aka
recipe writers than a recipe by itself. ;)

extlinkedres.zip is a set of extra functions and scripts helping
cookbook recipe authors and custom markup developers to handles linked
resources (i.e. attachment files and external urls), from inside their
code. The provided features are:
* Handling of the regular url/intermap/attachment notation,
* Ability to lock globally against external resource usage,
* Javascript helper script to bypass Internet Explorer activeX activation.

This would allow specialized markups to (partially) handle the link
syntax in their parameters such as:

(:mymarkup (http://host/my/external/)resource(.txt) :)
(:mymarkup Intermap:something/somewhere/else.doc :)
(:mymarkup Attach:an_attached_image.jpg :)

I initially wrote this as a corner stone for other of my own recipes
needing to deal with uploaded content:
* music (mp3), video (flv) files thru a set of flash media players (a
work in progress, soon to be released as another recipe),
* source code file highlighted (requested for the next SourceBlock release),
* ...
But I found that it may also apply to almost all other previously
released recipes providing the same kind of features: Flash,
Quicktime, Svg, WMPlayer,...

Therefore, I was wondering if this recipe couldn't be (at least
partially) a core cadidate since most of the code is duplicated from
core internals.


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