[pmwiki-devel] session_start problem

Patrick R. Michaud pmichaud at pobox.com
Wed Dec 6 13:02:52 CST 2006

On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 06:30:05PM -0000, marc wrote:
> After adding @ to all session_starts, I have been able to move the 
> recipe include after authuser, which, although not necessary, probably 
> proves the point. I have a new rule :-)

Cool, I'm glad you confirmed the diagnosis and solution.  Thanks.

> > I think the solution is to simply place an '@' before the
> > 'session_start()' in the LoggedIn() function above.
> In light of this, I did a quick grep for session_start and have added @ 
> to all occurrences. FYI, I notice that the httpvariables recipe is @-
> less too.

Yes, it's probably an issue in a number of recipes.  Something we
probably need to note in a "guidelines for recipe authors" page

> Thanks very much for making things clearer.

You're very welcome -- that's what pmwiki-devel is for!  :-)


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