[pmwiki-devel] ZAP anti-spammer suggestion & prettifying forms

Crisses crisses at kinhost.org
Wed Dec 6 07:53:30 CST 2006

One of the many things I want to do, maybe with ZAP, is a simple  
email contact form, with or without captcha -- probably with -- but  
with another anti-spam element.  You can hide (css display:none) a  
text input field such as "Subject: _____ (leave blank!)" that is very  
tempting for spambots, not seen by the average computer user, and is  
tested when the form is returned.  If "Subject" is filled out, the  
form responder is a spambot or someone using a non-css/non-visual  
means to submit the form.  The Leave blank! caution is for humans.

Captcha and hidden input elements don't help for the increasing  
number of spammers who hire live people to fill out forms.  There's  
not very much we can do about those people.  But if you use multiple  
methods, such as captcha + hidden fields, it's less likely to work.

So, does ZAP allow me to assign classes to form fields?  I would need  
to be able to set the CSS on the input element to be hidden, and I'd  
like to make ZAP forms prettier anyway.

Prettifying forms:
Can I use fieldsets?
Can I control the length or rows/columns in an input field or text area?
Do you have multiselect boxes?

I'm just starting to read the ZAP explanation, documentation, etc.  I  
need to decide whether I'm using ZAP or custom programming features.   
Has anyone used ZAP and customized the appearance?



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