Perl 6 Cool Perl 6  
  2. Perl 6 Language specification
  3. Apocalypses, Exegeses, Synopses
  4. Perl 6 book
  5. Perl 6 implementations
  6. Spectest progress
  7. Rakudo Star
    Rakudo *
  8. Sample Perl 6 modules and applications
  9. Perl 6 basics
  10. Perl 6 cheat sheet!
  11. Variables
  12. Arrays / Hashes
  13. Creating lists
  14. Constant hash key lookups
  15. Iterating lists
  16. Pointy blocks
  17. Iterating n values at a time
  18. Iterating n values at a time
  19. Iterating n values at a time
  20. Iterating hashes
  21. Cool Perl 6
  22. Consider the following Perl 6 program...
  23. Let's break it down
  24. Let's break it down
  26. The .classify method
  27. The .classify method
  28. Consider...
  30. The .sort method
  31. The .sort method
  32. The .sort method
  34. Consider...
  35. Consider...
  37. The .invert method
  38. Hyperoperators (vector processing)
  39. The .invert method
  41. The .fmt method
  45. Consider...
  46. Consider...
  47. but
  48. the groups are sorted
  49. the names in each group are not
  50. Consider...
  51. Consider...
  52. Consider...
  53. Cool Perl 6: Hash sort by value
  54. Cool Perl 6: Hash sort by value
  55. Cool Perl 6: Hash sort by value
  56. Case-insensitive sort
  57. Final version
  58. Intermission
  59. Metaoperators
  60. Hyperoperators (vector processing)
  61. Hyperoperators (vector processing)
  62. Reduction operators (pairwise infix)
  63. The zip (Z) operator
  64. The cross (X) operator
  65. The cross (X) meta-operator
  66. If those aren't enough for you...
  67. Operator overloading
  68. The end (?)
  69. Subroutines
  70. Subroutines
  71. Subroutines, non-flattening
  72. Subroutines, optional params
  73. Subroutines, named params
  74. Subroutines, slurpy params
  75. Types
  76. Types
  77. Typed Variables
  78. Typed parameters
  79. Multidispatch
  80. Arity-based dispatch
  81. Type-based dispatch
  82. Type-based dispatch
  83. Objects
  84. Classes and objects
  85. Inheritance
  86. Type objects
  87. Metaclasses
  88. Where to go for more
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