Android Samsung Galaxy Tab and Logitech Revue  
  3. I ♥ Apps
  4. Some of my favorite apps
  5. Then I discovered...
  6. ☺ I like to read books ☺
  7. Just one problem reading
    books on Nexus...
  9. Maybe an iPad?
  10. Maybe a real Kindle?
  11. Then...!
  12. Samsung Galaxy Tab
  13. About the same size as a Kindle!
  14. Runs Android!
  15. ☺ ☺
  16. Uses the standard Android Market!
  17. ☺ ☺ ☺
  18. Only $599 w/o contract!
  19. Galaxy Tab Reviews
  20. Galaxy Tab specifications
  21. Swype keyboard
  22. Other Android reader applications
  23. Other reasons I like the Tab
  24. QuickSSHd to the rescue
  25. Galaxy tab built-in screen capture
  26. More Android goodness
  27. Logitech Revue
  28. Google TV
  29. How it works
  30. Evil Motorola Set Top Boxes
  31. Logitech Revue specifications
  32. How our family uses Revue / Google TV
  33. Setting up a DLNA server
  34. Setting up MediaTomb
  35. Logitech stupid update process (2010.12.18)
  36. Google TV Remote
  37. Conclusions
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