Parrot NQP, grammars, and actions  
  1. NQP - Not Quite Perl
  2. NQP overview
  3. A sample NQP program
  4. Running NQP programs
  5. Using NQP to produce PIR
  6. Key features of NQP
  7. NQP operators
  8. Things NQP does not have (yet?)
  9. NQP design principles
  10. Declaring subroutines in NQP
  11. Method and subroutine calls in NQP
  12. Inline PIR ( Q:PIR {...} )
  13. Inline PIR ( Q:PIR {...} )
  14. Parrot Grammar Engine
  15. Parrot Grammar Engine
  16. Perl 6 regular expression basics
  17. ^Metacharacter magic$
  18. Brackets and character classes
  19. Quantifiers
  20. Results of a match
  21. Parentheses
  22. Named regexes
  23. Subrule metacharacters
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