Open Source Projects Rakudo Perl 6
Confessions of an open source project leader
my @suits  = < ♣ ♢ ♡ ♠ >;
my @ranks  = 2..10, < J Q K A >;

# concatenate each rank with each suit (2♣ 2♢ 2♡ ... A♠)
my @deck = @ranks X~ @suits;

# build a hash of card names to point values
my %points = @deck Z @( (2..10, 10, 10, 10, 11) >>xx>> 4 );

# shuffle the deck
@deck .= pick(*);

# grab first five cards from the deck
my @hand = @deck.splice(0, 5);

# display my hand
say ~@hand;

# tell me how many points it's worth
say [+] %points{@hand};
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