Perl 6 Rakudo Perl - Perl 6 on Parrot  
  1. Moose
  2. Introduction
  3. Overview
  4. Thank you to my sponsors
  5. Rakudo active developers
  6. Perl 6 overview 
  7. Perl 6
  8. Perl 6 design goals
  9. Changes from Perl 5
  10. Changes from Perl 5 (cont'd)
  11. Perl 6 Implementations
  12. Current implementations (Jun 2008)
  13. Rakudo Perl
  14. Rakudo Perl
  15. Parrot
  16. Parrot languages (various stages)
  17. Key Parrot Goals
  18. Obtaining and building Parrot and Rakudo Perl
  19. Things that mostly work in Rakudo Perl (Jun 2008)
  20. Things that mostly work in Rakudo Perl (Jun 2008)
  21. Things that Rakudo currently "fakes just a bit"
  22. Common things that don't work yet (Jun 2008)
  23. Getting things added to Rakudo
  24. Perl 6 test suite
  25. The Perl 6 "official" test suite
  26. Test suite challenges
  27. Hot Fudge
  28. Rakudo spectest results
  29. Rakudo spectest results
  31. Testers wanted
  32. Compiler architecture
  33. Rakudo architecture
  34. Parrot Compiler Toolkit
  35. Rakudo sources
  36. Rakudo parse grammar
  37. Rakudo parse grammar
  38. approximation
  39. Rakudo action methods
  40. Action methods in action!
  41. Action methods in action!
  42. Action methods in action!
  43. Rakudo runtime libraries
  44. Finding stuff
  45. Where is everything?
  46. Where is everything else?
  47. Why has Perl 6 taken so long to develop and implement?
  48. Will Rakudo ever be written entirely in Perl 6?
  49. Why is Rakudo slow?
  50. Increasing development momentum
  51. Next steps
  52. exit 0;
Copyright © 2008 Patrick Michaud